Application for Credit Recognition from previous Graduate School, Spring 2025
Application for Credit Recognition from previous Graduate School, Spring 2025 This is to inform you of the application procedure for credit recognition for credits earned from a previous Graduate School for Spring Semester, 2025. New students for Spring 2025 and enrolled students who request related credit recognition have to submit the required documents to the Department office within the designated period stated below. 1. Application for credit recognition for credits earned from a previous Graduate School a. New Students and Transfer students in same Degree as the previous school 1) Master's course : Up to 1/2 credits acquired in the previous Graduate School 2) Doctorate course : Up to 1/2 credits of required credits for graduation acquired in the previous Graduate School are recognized for new students and transfer students. b. Required Documents - Application form for Credit Recognition for Previous Graduate School(Attachment), Transcript c. Evaluation Procedure - Credit Recognition confirmed by Academic Committee composed of 3 assessors (Profs.) of Department - Final decision from a Dean of Graduate School (credit assessed by the Department with the supervisionof the Dean of Department) d. Period of submission : March 25th(Tue), 2025 e. Place for submission : Each Department Office 2. Application for Credit Recognition for special courses of lecture in Master's Degree program a. Eligible for Application - Those who have already completed a subject of Master's course when students were in underGraduate School(in Ajou University) and want to get recognized as credits of Graduate School b. Required Documents - Application form for recognition of credit completion of special courses for Master's Degree(Attachment), Transcript c. Period of Submission : March 25th(Tue), 2025 d. Place for submission : Each Department Office 3. Searching for the Result of Credit Recognition a. You can find the result of Credit Recognition through Portal website. Please check the results of Credit Recognition for completion of courses. b. How to search for the result - Login to the Portal → '학사서비스' Academic Affairs Information → '성적' Grade → '인정성적조회' Searching for the Credit Recognition * Attachment 1. Application form for Credit Recognition for Previous Graduate School 2. Application form for Recognition of Credit completion of special courses for Master's Degree - Office of Graduate School -
Applying for comprehensive examination of Spring, 2025
Applying for comprehensive examination of Spring semester, 2025 We would like to inform you of the matters regarding the comprehensive examination of Spring Semester, 2025 so if you want to take the exam run by each departments should apply within the due date. 1. Qualification: Student who earned 18 credits or more of major course for each degree course and 3.0 or better average grade and have applied for the exam during the application period with the recommendation of faculty advisor(The faculty advisor will process the exam procedure on AIMS) 2. Application period: 2025.3.12.(Wed) 09:00 ~ 2025.3.14.(Fri) 23:59 3. Procedure : application on the website(login to Portal → ‘Academic Affairs Information' → ‘Grade/Graduation'(on the upper side) → ‘Comprehensive Examination Application'(on the left side)) 4. Date of exam: To be announced by the departments during April - Please refer to the notice board from each departments for the details. 5. Passing : 60 points or higher out of the total of 100 points for each degree program - If failed to pass, re-taking of exam is possible regardless of number of tests taken 6. Study subject for examination - Master's program : MajorⅠ, MajorⅡ - Doctorate program and integrated program : MajorⅠ, MajorⅡ * As general test is progressed by study subject, inquire about detailed subjects and schedule to department 7. Confirmation of the result for foreign language test and comprehensive examination (Internet inquiry) - Procedure : Login to Portal → ‘Academic Affairs Information' → ‘Grade/Graduation'(on the upper side) → ‘Comprehensive Examination Application'(on the left side)) 8. Caution on applicants for qualifying examination - Before submitting the application, the test result has to be confirmed via Internet to ensure accurate application - The application period of academic affairs schedule for each semester has to be complied with, and the reception is not allowed after the deadline date that the note has to be made. (The schedule may be modified depending on the situation, and if indeed modified, it shall be posted on the homepage.) 9. For the Master and Doctorate integrated course students - If you wish to acquire Master's degree, the exam will be applied of Master's degree. - Who changed the course from Master's degree to the integrated course, the exam will be applied of Doctorate's degree. - Office of Graduate School -